IGCT is a kind of high power semiconductor based on GTO structure, which achieves hard turn-off by the integrated gate circuit. IGCT是一种基于GTO结构并利用集成门极电路进行硬驱动控制的大功率半导体开关器件。
The advance in Power Devices and the Latest Turn-off thyristor 功率器件发展及新型可关断晶闸管
Influence of Power Transit Line to GTO Turn-off Performance 功率传输线对GTO关断性能的影响
High Power Gate Turn-Off Thyristor ( GTO) 大功率可关断晶闸管(GTO)
Study of power gate turn-off thyristor 大容量门极可关断晶闸管的研究
A single switch and uncontrolled three-phase rectified bridges are used to obtain the high power factor and low harmonic input current. A small Cuk capacitor is used to obtain the zero-current turn-on and zero-voltage turn-off of the switching. 该电路采用单开关和三相整流桥实现高功率因数和低谐波电流输入,同时在后级Cuk变换器中采用小容量的过渡电容,使得开关工作在零电流开通和零电压分断。
Gate commutated thyristor ( GCT) is a new high power semiconductor devices based on Gate turn-off thyristor ( GTO), GCT has extensive application foreground and it is a blank in interiorly now. 门极换流晶闸管(GCT)是在GTO的基础上开发的一种新型大功率半导体器件,有广阔应用的前景,目前在国内尚属空白。
In the part of power devices with IGBT, the loss can be divided into four parts: conduction loss, off-state loss, turn-on loss and turn-off loss. 采用IGBT作为主功率开关元件,由功率开关元件引起的损耗主要有导通损耗、断态损耗、开通损耗和关断损耗。
The control signals amplified by floating channel bootstrap drive circuits, then provide gate drive to Power MOSFET, through turn-on and turn-off the switches, to realize inverter. 由单片机发出的控制信号,经自举式浮充电路放大后给电力场效应管提供栅极驱动,通过开关器件的导通与关断,实现对直流电的逆变过程。